What better place than Austria to indulge a life-long love of cows, rubber boots, and what I am the first to admit is an unhealthy obsession with “The Sound of Music”.
Eighteen milk cows, one hut, and a view across the Austrian Alps that would make Heidi want to rip up her Swiss passport.
As experiments go, this one is bound to be interesting...
Hello Leslie
As a real swiss "senn" (and genleman) I invite you on my alp for next saison. Becaus swiss are working much faster than austrian you can calmly lay in bed till 5am.
Congratulation Leslie, to do something is always better than to talk about it.
your swiss "senn"
Hi Leslie. I was sitting on the banks of Lake Como just thinking about the beauty of the Alps. Then I remembered you slaving hard rustling the cows. I took another sip of my Mojito and started to relax again. Next summer you should hike in the Cinqua Terra area and write a travel loog about that.
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