Most thrilled to have Miss A visiting from London. A woman of independent means, you might think Miss A to be one of the least likely candidates able to cope with hut life. In fact, she took it in stride and declared the outhouse to be “better than expected”. It’s all about expectation management. When thunder, lightning, and hail wailed down on us, she stormed out herself to collect a cup of ice for the gin, even offering to wash it which would have been a first for me. Hand-washed ice? Wait til Gordon Ramsay finds out. Later in the Krallerhof spa, I reminded her of the strict nudie laws governing sauna use in Euroland. She opened her robe to reveal a pair of big white pants. “But are these ok?” You’ve got to love the English abroad.
1 comment:
Having learned ones lesson in a Turkish bath, the voice of experience speaks wisdom.
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